
COmplete Coverage Solutions

FLASH Networks Group is an ENGINEERING FIRM providing tier four network engineering consulting services. Flash is primarily focused on design, installation of design, and day two support services. 

Our core customers have also become strategic teaming partners who’ve agreed to work together to provide best in class deliverables for projects where it makes sense to work together. 

Traditionally GCs would utilize sub-contract arrangements.  This often increase the price of the project due to profit margin stacking and over aggressive risk management that occurs. 

Flash’s model provide a package where we select and use teaming agreements with our resources that best fit your projects. This strategy allows Flash to reduce the overall cost of the project while using resources that have a history of consistently producing high quality deliverables. 

  • Flash is strategically teamed up with best in class organizations.
  • Flash has the same competitive pricing from our OEMs that the big guys enjoy.
  • Flash is-able-to provide creative financing solutions if needed in-order-to move the project forward. 

The Flash Process: 

Flash Networks Group works with the customer to identify the scope of work and review the goals and expectations related to the project. We will either provide the design or validate a provided design by a third party. Upon finalizing an approved design, Flash assembles the dream team from the listed teaming partners below. This model is designed to provide the best solution for the best possible price. Flash will provide services for the total project or provide resources for areas of the project where resources are still needed.